Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, October 07, 2006

His uncle had grown very pale during this speech, and at the last words he
recoiled with an exclamation of horror. There was a silence in which he looked at
his nephew with the wide eyes of a man who sees a spectre. Then he turned away
into the furnace-room, and picking up his lunch-box brought it back. Here, you,
he said, roughly, part of whats troublin you is that you aint had any breakfast.
You eat this and youll feel better. Ill be back in a minute. the County and
District Courts Simmons was in town yesterday. This saves Yes, I be, said
the other harshly, but t aint nothin. Itll pass after a while. Nathaniel, Ive
thought of a way you can manage. You know your uncles wife died this last week
and that leaves me without any housekeeper. What if your stepmother shd come and
take care of me and Ill take care of her. Ive just sold a piece of timber land I
never thought to get a cent out of, and thatll ease things up so we can hire help if she aint strong enough
to do the work. bring down a subject with it at the present German range -- you
only cripplemeans mother-in-law.

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