Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 09, 2006

We had a lot to say toeach other and sat up into the small hours. For months and
months, if not years and years.
I had to getyour broken pipe and the tune or I would have been stuck. Dick, old man,
he cried, Im home for good.
Then the tension relaxed,and he dropped back into his chair with a sigh.
You see, if I did hear these three things there is noconscious rational clue to it.
I had to getyour broken pipe and the tune or I would have been stuck. I think he was
thegentlest thing I have ever known. There is a mighty Tory revival in sight,and it
will want leading. Hanged if I know, but Im pretty certain it wasnt that.
He had been at one of the big shoots at RoushamThorpe and was on his way back to
London. You wont be ableto help yourself, Sir Richard. Imgoing to drug my body and
mind into apathy by hard exercise.
Now, you remember the talk we had after dinner the night beforelast.
Weve all had em,and were all sick to get em back. When hewas distressed, he only
shut his lips tight, and never cried.
Greenslade turned up about seven in the evening, rather glum andpreoccupied.
By the way, I had better telegraph toMacgillivray. He held upone hand, while I froze
into silence. Youll get the help of a first-class mind, and that meansa lot. I put
the whole thing out of my thoughts and came backwith a fine appetite for tea.

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