Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Verdurins lies, whichappeared to Morel to be indisputable truth.
Verdurin, at a signal from his wife, had takenMorel aside. Verdurin, who would have
been greatly embarrassed had she been askedto do so.
Verdurin said to his wife, in thetone of a man who does not know whether his prayer
will be heard.
Anyhow, the word servant was bound to annoyMorel.
It was at this moment that we returned to thedrawing-room. It was as to a woman
endowed with these sound instincts that she hadshewn kindness to Mme. Thank you, I
have no desire that weshould become the benefactors of the human race. Seeing that
the other appearednot to recognise her: I am Mme.
People are not always verytolerant of the tears which they themselves have provoked.
As for the social side of the incident, the rumourspread abroad that M. It will be
able to serve you as arampart. I give you my word of honour, Ivesaid nothing to her
about it.
Verdurin went on wickedly, seeking to make itplain to Morel that it was not only M.
It still flowedfrom its source, but it had changed.
Verdurin said to his wife, in thetone of a man who does not know whether his prayer
will be heard. It is because it represents to them something else.
He lost his temper once only, because she cried, which heconsidered cowardly,
unworthy of her. Ah, yes, Iremember now, she corrected herself, in the fear that her
denialmight not be believed.
He is a gentleman with a vile reputation and the mostshocking stories are told about
him. There is nothing like that forruining a mans future.
Butwhen it comes to the disconcerting actions of our fellow-men, werarely discover
their motives. I believe that you have plenty of character, that you are aman,
replied Mme.
Can you guess what answer he made, with that insolent airwhich you know? But I never
told you I wasfond of him, muttered M.
We have seen why nothing of this sort occurred at first. Butwhen it comes to the
disconcerting actions of our fellow-men, werarely discover their motives.
In my own immediate surroundings, I have had an example of thisin my mother whom Mme.
It will be able to serve you as arampart. You do not look at all well, my dear
cousin, she said to M. Leave me alone, I forbidyou to come near me, Morel shouted at
the Baron. To turn back to the Verdurins party, when the host and hostess wereby
themselves, M.
I shall do it only upon the express condition thatnobody knows anything about it.

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