Unsolicited Writings

Monday, September 11, 2006

Theyre the class of lads that ask no questions.
The old man was christenedAcheson, and dont take any interest in fishin.
He spends his timein lookin for Norse remains.
No fishin except some hill lochs and onlyrough shootin. I want your advice,not as a
fashionable consultant, but as an old friend and a wise man.
Please contact us beforehand to let us know your plans and to work out the details.
Ive choked off visitors at Crask for a bit, for theold lady will put it all round
the country-side. I know all about it, far Wattie Lithgow, who was Jimsman, is with
me now. Though a keen mountaineer, the spectacle had neither exhilarated
nortantalised him. When Sime had put the port on the table and withdrawn, Leithen
liftedup his voice.
Something to do with the Gulf Stream, maybe.
I should come to you just the same if you werea vet.
Miserable comforters are ye all, he groaned. They did record time into their
car-scarcely stopped to say goodbye.
I suppose you realise what Ive done,you fellows. I call that poaching on the grand
scale, observed Palliser-Yeates.
Miserable comforters are ye all, he groaned. Ill do nothing of the kind, said Leithen.
What has the blessed martyr been and done?
If you dont derive profits, no royalty is due. He and his attorneys letter put my
hackles up. I never want to lookthe ugly brutes in the face again.
That, said Lamancha, is beyond doubt the truth, and its just therethat the fun comes
I have the honour to be, yourobedient humble servant.

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