Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 02, 2006

An says I to mysel, Whatever place is yon?
His beast was fractious, having had anunaccustomed feed of oats in the Cross Keys
stable, and Mr.
You have me for a friend, andyou have this greenwood for a sanctuary.
Proudfoot preached, and she was granin and greetin like a bairn. Ay, and Ive been
payin muckleattention to his hen-house.
Hissecular learning was so much fuel to this fire. Its terrible to think o the Deils
grip on the householdo faith.
But I needna tell you there was naeword of Ephraim. Fordyce;it gars them sit loose
to earthly affections. Proudfoot of Bold less readyfor the fray.
There was no innocence now in that spectacle of obscene abasement.
Its terrible to think o the Deils grip on the householdo faith.
Mungo Muirhead, primed with letters from Edinburgh,gave ill news of the war in the
But it was acrowded gathering, and among the lay members in the kirk wasEphraim Caird.
That gilpie o mine suld have been here, but shes awa to thehill. And Ive beenspeirin
judeeciously in Woodilee.
Man, you speak as calm as if you were making ready for a clipping. Theresnae hurry
for me till the Deil begins his pipin.
Hes fechtin and him alameter, but whaur hes fechtin and in what cause the Lord
A daft auld wife, that skellochs like a sea-maw!
You have put steel into my bones,Mistress Katrine. Hes fechtin and him alameter, but
whaur hes fechtin and in what cause the Lord alonekens!
Weel, to Newbiggin ye gang, and your departure maun be public. Hissecular learning
was so much fuel to this fire. Look atme, ye daft auld fules, for theres naething to
be feared o. Save us a, yereno gaun to tamper wi the accursed thing?
Doubtless therell be mair in thesame place, if they havena been soopit up.

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