Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 09, 2006

People are not always verytolerant of the tears which they themselves have provoked.
Anyhow, the word servant was bound to annoyMorel. I entirely agree with you, it is
verygood of you to have thought of it.
He lost his temper once only, because she cried, which heconsidered cowardly,
unworthy of her.
This must be a rare occurrence, except when deathsurprises us in the midst of life.
Vanity,slander, the insanity of malice and pride, had alike disappeared. I entirely
agree with you, it is verygood of you to have thought of it. Besides you are wrong
inthinking that so few people are interested in the subject. But,notwithstanding
these human lapses, the moral purity of M.
As for the social side of the incident, the rumourspread abroad that M. Seeing that
the other appearednot to recognise her: I am Mme. An expression of this sort is
generally a survivalfrom an earlier condition of the family. I am coming with you,
hereplied, but we cannot slip away, English fashion.
It will be able to serve you as arampart.
After all, a manis free to try on a shoe, all the more a woman, and if she doesnt
Verdurin, it was to Morel that, in the heatof her passion, Mme. I give you my word
of honour, Ivesaid nothing to her about it.
Verdurin said to his wife, in thetone of a man who does not know whether his prayer
will be heard. To turn back to the Verdurins party, when the host and hostess wereby
themselves, M.
I believe that you have plenty of character, that you are aman, replied Mme. What is
the matter with you,he would say with a laugh, with those black marks under your
What we might do is to tell him that the money has been left to him byPrincess
Sherbatoff. Somebody thought hewould pay him a compliment and said: We greatly
admire your friendMorel.
Wait, I shall take you to her myself, said Mme. After having thought for a moment
about theVerdurins, M.
But he felt that this would injure his dignityand would be against the interests of
his love. If he often lay silentlike this, it was not that he had lost his
I shall do it only upon the express condition thatnobody knows anything about it.
I shall do it only upon the express condition thatnobody knows anything about it.
Somebody thought hewould pay him a compliment and said: We greatly admire your
friendMorel. I do hope that myhusband, in keeping him all this time, has managed to
give him hiscue, M. Wait, I shall take you to her myself, said Mme.
And, in the next generation, the word will nolonger exist save as a childish memory.

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