Unsolicited Writings

Monday, September 18, 2006

Only the wine inside him kept up his courage.
He did know what she meant; but he had neverthought of it till this moment. Even at
a moment like this itsgot the power to stand over us and bully us. We must be firm
and just say bread andcheese.
She imagined that she had offended himmortally. They spread her clothes out and made
a sortof bed for her to lie on.
I tell you itd never enter your head to worry about a baby if itwasnt for the money.
And even in bed with their wives they tremble and obey.
Thetrain was full of tired hikers in khaki shorts. His life would be a different
thing when once theywere really lovers.
Of itsown accord the conversation began to turn upon food.
So they walked another four miles or so, talking andfrequently quarrelling.
Get on with it, thats the great thing, get on with itand damn the future!
Weve walked all the way from Farnham Common. The flimsy luscious fiver and the five
clean pound notes slidrustling under the brass rail.
The empty cottage belowsprang out into warm colours, purply-blue of tiles,
cherry-red ofbrick.
He had got to win back his prestige after this affair of the coldbeef.
There seemed to be another bridge at the other end of the town.
Rosemaryalso had got up and come round the table. At least when you know Ive only
eightpence. A blue-clad chauffeur sat at the wheel, upright, immobile, like
somescornful statue.
You dont think I go in for that kind of thing, do you? He held the wire up for her
and she slipped nimbly under it.
But whats it got to do with you and me making love, anyway? He did know what she
meant; but he had neverthought of it till this moment.
And you want to acquiesce in it, apparently. Sheclung to him eagerly; her body
melted against his. They halted at the entrance to the Underground. When they got to
the bushes they found a natural alcove.
Presently they came out of the wooded area. Its the only thing in the world there IS
tobe ashamed of. It was almost the first thing he hadthought of when the cheque
Rosemaryalso had got up and come round the table.
Youll be going all Barrie in another moment.
Each searched desperately forsomething to say and could think of nothing.
There did not seem muchhope that the Ravenscroft Hotel would be open. Gordon was
footsore,having walked a dozen or fifteen miles, and also hungry. He put his arm
roundher without saying anything and turned her in that direction.
They spread her clothes out and made a sortof bed for her to lie on.

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