Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ifelt that Llana and I could not have fallen into much worse hands.
If you muss him up, HinAbtol may not like it.
No, he replied; But I havent made any direct inquiries yet. The pulp of this fruit,
called somp, is notunlike grapefruit, though much sweeter. You will be led, said
Pnoxus, and see that you follow where youreled. You seem to have the physical
attributesof a flesh and blood man; have you a name? We had neither food nor water
on our flier; so Ilanded beside this forest to get some.
There was no response; Motus must have gone out like a light. Notwithstanding their
great size and strength, we have a distinctadvantage over them.
He knew how anxious I had been to get into the palace of Hin Abtol.
At least that is what I thought until hands seizedmy ankles and jerked my feet from
beneath me. The guard officer explained, making me appear wholly in the wrong.
Hin Abtol dreams of conquering all ofBarsoom with them.
I held him there for a moment, and then Itossed him across the room.
There, you see, said the sweet voice; he was not an enemy.
There is none better than Ul-to, replied the officer.
As the ship rose, I hastened to the controls, and took over.
But, being an incorrigible optimist, I still felt that Llana was safe;and so did
she. I wanted him to acquire respect for mypoint and my ability.
If you muss him up, HinAbtol may not like it. Whatever trouble it gets me into, it
was worth it, I said. I should like to know what has become of them and TanHadron of
Hastor as well.
I wanted him to acquire respect for mypoint and my ability.
The voice was notso sweet now; there was just a faint ring of steel in it.
Now, slave, he said, I will teach you that lessonthat I promised you. My deepest
reverence for whichever one ofyour ancestors gave you a sense of humor.
Immediately I was wholly visibleagain, but Kandus remained only a voice.
Yes, replied Gor-don; my personal bodyguard, here.
They brought Ul-to; and when he found that he was to fight me, hebeamed all over. I
cried to Llana, as I leaped to the deck.
Whatever trouble it gets me into, it was worth it, I said.
Perhaps these Invaks werent such bad people after all. He has been a very good
friend, she replied, a little stiffly.
The moment we entered I could see a warrior at my side and there wereothers in front
and behind me.
I am afraid Hin Abtols dream will never come true, I said.
I shall never forget what you did to Rab-zov, the strongest man inPankor.
It is very simple, but it is the secret of the Invaks, he replied.

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