Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 09, 2006

If I couldget the right tune, I might remember something. I leaned forward to knock
out the ashes of my pipe against thestone edge of the hearth.
I do not dispute your decision, Sir Richard, he said. The wayMacgillivray had worked
out the connection between these gentryfilled me with awe.
I might have heard that tune inany one of a thousand parts of the globe.
Youll get the help of a first-class mind, and that meansa lot.
I dont know why you say that, I protested. It was avery queer story, yet the more I
looked into it the thinner myscepticism grew. These were two of the three facts
which Dr. He is the only fellow I ever heard of who was adoredby women and also
liked by men.
But three minutes later came a knock at my dressing-room door, andGreenslade
entered. Macgillivray, I may remark, is an Ulsterman, and has hisprejudices. I think
I made it as clearas day that I could do nothing, and he seemed to assent.
There is a mighty Tory revival in sight,and it will want leading.
Now where had I heard something like that? But as I was leaving, I asked him
casually if heknew Mr.
Oh, and the handsomestthing in mankind since the Greeks.
Dont delude yourself with thinking that Ill change my mind, Isaid, as I saw him into
his car. The mistake I madeyesterday was in trying to THINK. But he moves in
highercircles than Im accustomed to, so I cant judge. Then the tension relaxed,and
he dropped back into his chair with a sigh.

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