Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I dont know now, she answered with slight confusion.
Heaths cheeks inflated with exasperation.
There aint no rear door, explained Heath.
Just what line do you refer to, Sergeant?
Its the preserved rind of the citron that goes into cake, Vanceexplained. Ill bet I
know why youre not afraid to be here tonight. But maybe hes going to quit here
tonight. His glance roved about the room again as he puffed lazily at hiscigarette.
Alarge automobile, running almost noiselessly, suddenly came round theturn. Ive seen
him before, of course, at hishospice, but Ive never really paid attention to his
features. And yet, plenty goes on in that little room. Shall we say then, that Im
just as sorry about it as if I had thrownthe cigarette? He has no wine or other
And you wouldnt notice it, if you werent looking for it.
But, Chief, this guys a tough hombre, and he aint the forgetting orthe forgiving kind.
Mirche is engaged in his nefarious plottins.
They didnt waitfor the police and the law and all those things.
She sat down with startling suddenness, and giggled musically.
Vance heaved an exaggerated sigh, and slowly rose to his feet. Healso got angry for
a minute when I told him about the new dress Im goingto get Monday.
But a twinkle in hereyes seemed to belie the words.
I turned my gaze again to the singers table.
And only today he saidhe was going to try to get his salary raised.

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