Unsolicited Writings

Friday, September 08, 2006

He felt that she was his blood-sister, nearer to him thanhe had imagined any woman
could be.
It affected him like the perfume of some white, exoticflower. Hannele did not lift
her head from her work.
He laughed as he left her, withhis own beautiful, fearless laugh.
Life in the world hehad not to offer her.
There had alwaysbeen a pressure against her breathing.
He became suddenly ashamed to make love toher.
Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Then he looked at her again, at her
bright hairthat the maid had plaited for the night.
He sat still and silent as she wasstill and silent.
She had gone to sleepfrom the nuit blanche of her days. When she cameback again he
was still, and the light was gone from under hisdoor. I think myself the sexual part
has been amistake. The distance between them seemedabsolute. And so, in your heart
of hearts be still, be still, sinceyou are the wife of the ladybird.
A dark-eyed youngwoman peeped in through the door, with a roguish coyness.
I am not a beast, said the Count,seating himself. And then,gradually, gradually she
began to follow the thread of it. But the look in her eyes at the same timewarned
him and frightened him. The Count, of course, would be shipped back now like
returned goodsthat had no market any more. And her eyes, the green-blue,had been
like slow, living jewels, resistant.
I think, you know, it is adescendant of the Egyptian scarabeus, which is a very
mysteriousemblem. The darkness flowedabout them thick like blood, and time seemed
dissolved in it. Life in the world hehad not to offer her. He looked into her eyes,
his own eyes dark with knowledge and pain. I KNOW Ilove you now, darling: now Im
free from that other. Itwas as if she wanted to press her breast to his.

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