Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, September 02, 2006

At its worst, however, it seemed to him thebest that he could do.
We are the Waziri, he cried, and this is Tarzan of theApes, Lord of the Jungle, our
Good, said Flora, go and tell them now, and the blackturned and left.
The chances are that he could use arifle no better than he uses his spear and arrows.
And in turn the others signified theirapproval of the scheme. Yes, Bwana, I remember
it well, replied the black.
Andthen they all commenced to ask questions at once until Florasilenced them. Dot
vould befine interest on their money.
Dot vould befine interest on their money.
I vill say it myself dot tings look brighter, saidBluber.
If she says to leave the gold, well leave it.
And it dont make me feel any kindertoward him to hear you defending him, Flora. But
asyou say, Usula, it will soon pass off, and I shall be myselfagain.
Always wary of ambush, Tarzan reconnoiteredcarefully before descending into the
But perhaps such athought never entered his head. Andthen they all commenced to ask
questions at once until Florasilenced them.
Tarzan of the Apes spokestrange words to me before they left.
We are the Waziri, he cried, and this is Tarzan of theApes, Lord of the Jungle, our
master. Come down, he called again, or I will come up after you.
This time we shall spare you oncondition that you leave the country and never return.
I mean that we do whatever Flora thinks best, repliedKraski. We havent a chance in
the world,she said.
Stow the guff, Dick, roared Peebles; it wasnt nobodysfault, as far as I can see. As
they worked, Esteban approached one of theaskari, whom he knew spoke broken English.

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