Unsolicited Writings

Monday, September 11, 2006

Archie was accustomed to quote him for most of his views on mattersother than
ornithology and war.
Thank God, Ive got old Claybody, said Lamancha.
He seems a decent sort of fellow, said Palliser-Yeates, but I dontquite like the
last sentence.
A faint interest appeared in the others eyes. Lamancha read the second reply:
Keep the Widow for the occasions when we need comforting.
Youve got to rediscover the comforts of yourlife by losing them for a little. I feel
no kind of keenness, and my feet are rather cold. This is an infernal plant,
Palliser-Yeates exclaimed. For a west coast river, I should put the Larrig only
second tothe Laxford.
Probably he is right, but you cant takethat sort of step in cold blood.
It is a condition that it must be removed whollyoutside your bounds.
I shouldnt be bored, said Lamancha, I should take stepsto prevent it. Then its a
mind diseased,to which I dont propose to minister.
Please contact us beforehand to let us know your plans and to work out the details.
The troops had achieved their silentconcentration, and the silly business must now
He wanted, nay, he was determined, to make a mess of it. You see, its about the only
place I know whereyou can do exactly as you like.
Palliser-Yeates heaved a sigh of apparent relief.
I call that poaching on the grand scale, observed Palliser-Yeates. Lamancha
consulted the atlas again and appeared to ponder. I know all about it, far Wattie
Lithgow, who was Jimsman, is with me now.
No fishin except some hill lochs and onlyrough shootin.
We write the letters and receive the answers at a London address.

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