Unsolicited Writings

Monday, September 11, 2006

ad, she can dance, but the poor child looksas if she found it a hard life.
I smelt more than wood smoke; there was peat burningamong the oak billets. Then it
spoke to me in English, with that odd lilting accent I hadtried in vain to trace.
He was too proudto boast in words, but his whole attitude was one long brag.
Well, I dont think you can improve on that.
What achange, I reflected, in my point of view! Odell, and I would like toknow just
how and where Medina picked him up. But I shall have to sendyou letters
occasionally, which you must burn on receipt. It was a marvellous andtragic scene
that I regarded.
I grinned sheepishly, but my fingersitched for his ears.
I havent been quite fit all day, and I suppose the hot roomknocked me out.
I paid him his fee, and, as I was leaving, I asked if he wanted tosee me again. What
sort of life have you been leadingthese last weeks? It was a longface, and the
features were large, though exquisitely cut andperfectly proportioned.
I had discoveredwho had been the third person in that scene. He scribbled a name and
address on a sheet ofpaper.
Medina said something impatiently about danger, as if his purposewere to reassure.
But it was the face that took away my breath. Imay have to be out of London myself a
good deal this summer. I think youd better choose an earlier date. Otherwise hell
find somethingmore interesting to do than politics. When I got back to the Club I
found Medina waiting for me.
But for Heavens sake, let it be done tactfully.
What sort of life have you been leadingthese last weeks? The first are devilish deep
fellows, but the second aregreat artists.

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