Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Today onlythe king stands above that tyranny.
Theyhad nothing against me: I was perfectly faithful to them. He is settling the
whole business with the King behindour backs. The best speech in the world canbe
read in such a way as to set the audience laughing at it. You are right, Mr
Boanerges, as you always are.
Democracyis a very real thing, with much less humbug about it than manyolder
institutions. I have to organize and administerall the motor power in the country
for the good of the country.
Well, a king with a little courage may tackle them foryou. I defy you to make me
more happy than our strangelyinnocent relations have already made me. I may be a
jobber; but nobody shall say that I am anungenerous opponent. When I want to find
out what he is up to Ihave to come and ask your Majesty. And youdont know me because
I have never let you really possess me. As he hasreminded you, my own character is
far too vulnerable. Would she be in any worse position thenthan I am in now? The
name on the brass plateis Public Opinion.
The King enters and waits on the threshold. And I can keep you to thepoint, sir,
whether it suits you or not.
Sorry, sir; but there isnt room for two monarchs in myrealm.
I do it; but it costs twice as much as itshould.
But I am afraid it doesnot settle the difficulty. But Isuppose I must do it myself,
as usual.
Yetwe find enough to say to one another when we are alone together. It is wonderful
how subtle yourmind is, as far as it goes.
They would hardly have ventured on that without a hintfrom somebody. But can I
helppeople seeing what is as plain as the sun in the heavens?
You are worse than blind: you havelow tastes.
It wears out the strongest man, and even the strongestwoman, in five or six years.
It is because she is a part of my realworkaday self.
But I am very much interested in her department. Well, seven or eight, we were too
many for the finalgrapple. You think so because you have no imagination. You did
speak that piece beautifully, sir.

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