Unsolicited Writings

Friday, August 18, 2006

Surely, surely, behind the reign of lawand the coercion of power there was a deep
purpose of mercy.
Oddly enough, it settled on none of the high lights. He was overwhelmed withthe
miracle of vigour creeping back into his moribund body.
Therefore Galliard had assumed a newmeaning.
Lew and Galliard had had scantysupplies, for they had set out on their journey with
He had had anhour of revulsion at Sick Heart River, but it had passed like abrief
Leithen, accustomed all his life to judge men, had no doubtabout Galliard. And the
Indians had ceased to look athim furtively like something stricken.
Likebrave men they had gone out to wrestle with it, and had notreturned.
I was like Lew,looking for a Sick Heart River. Theyre wrong, and by God well prove
them wrong! Above all, power was creeping back into hislimbs.
Galliard hadsunk also into this background.
Its onlythe North can mend what the North breaks. Thefurther he moved away from her
and her world, the dearer shebecame.
Oddly enough, it settled on none of the high lights.
Everything that day had gone exactly right. That was well enough for the firstweeks
after Lew and Leithen joined them. Queer folk in the North, Leithen thought.
You must promise, so that I candie with an easy mind. He turned on his side to sleep
without dismalforebodings about his condition when he woke.
Now all the fears andrepressions of his youth came back to him.
Then came their marriage, and Galliards entry into society, andhis conspicuous
social success.
Next day he left for Boston and he never saw hisfather again. But you dont put it
quite right, for I was willing enoughto grow old decently. He was a good shot, Lew
was a famous shot, and theIndians were skilled trappers. He made amessy business of
it, and took a long time over it, but theachievement pleased him.
Im afraid, black afraid ofthis damned country.
Then came their marriage, and Galliards entry into society, andhis conspicuous
social success.
The Gaillard family for generations had felt it. But, above all, the hunting must be
resumed. Lew spoke as if he found it difficult to say whathe wanted.
He turned on his side to sleep without dismalforebodings about his condition when he

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