Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Poor Gideon, I was so sorry for you, and for you, too,George, and I guess that calls
for a drink.
They looked as different from dull-green five-dollar notes asblessed light from
dubious darkness.
Youll try and see ifthere isnt something else you can find to do, wont you? Frisby,
but theres something phony about this bullmarket. He spokevigorously, but he was
equally vigorous with scissors andtypewriter. Out of the envelope he fished two
hundred-dollar certificates.
He nudged the press about hundreds of small incidentsof tyranny or prejudice. Thats
ONE thing where we arent phony humanitarians. It would just MAKE this hallway,dont
other men bent toward the Doctor like two older and tougherdetectives.
When he was invited toattend the annual conference of the T.
Hamilton Frisby breedingHereford cattle, or Mrs.
But the Planishes, the gamblers with life, for once were notgambling.
She did, and she smelled the ocean and the roast chestnuts. The only slipwas that
they were again two hundred dollars in debt. But that was the last cheerful thing
she said at EATS. One sculps and one married a Communist and one lives on an
islandcalled Lesbos. He turned to his guerrilla forces with a terrifiedIts
Bernardine Nimrock! Not only that, but there was a title of nobility, the first
thatPeony or Dr.
But doyou love me better than George Riot?
You always look so distinguished in your tuxedo, Giddy, she said.
I just figured it out, asa mathematician would.
She was not at allfrightened by the crowd in the lobby, nor by the
near-marblepillars. Peony seized Riots arm and melodramatically muttered, Lets
skipin the bedroom!
Frisby was purring on, What did Marduc tell you?
But you dont think I fell for him, do you? So Ill tell em the thirty-nine hundred
bucks is okay, Gid?
This released and Chicago-bound Peony was a new woman to him. Peony knelt beside her
and gurgled, Oh, baby,Mammys going to get the loveliest new cedar chest!
Peony seized Riots arm and melodramatically muttered, Lets skipin the bedroom! Thats
because you haventexamined them closely enough. Youll try and see ifthere isnt
something else you can find to do, wont you? She did, and she smelled the ocean and
the roast chestnuts. He stuttered, I g-guess you better lether come up. We really
are beginning to dedicate ourselves to mankind. Peony seized Riots arm and
melodramatically muttered, Lets skipin the bedroom!

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