Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Planish, to himself, but aloud he bumbled, Illthink it over. You get me as good a
job with some liberal outfit in New York, andIll leave Sneaky Sandy flat! Lets take
it in our stride and take it with a bravesmile, and get it over.
If youll have the check ready, Illsend right over for it. Mechanically patting her
bare shoulder, he bumbled, There, there,there! Its the anti-climax thats
soclownishly horrible, he choked. She shrieked it; she dashed out of the kitchen,
and upstairs. In the morning he went to the Every Man a PriestFraternity office and
told Dr.
He rose hastily, threw the contents of the charged glass into thesink, and fell
again upon the bed.
It was well padded with the advertisements ofbanks, insurance companies and utility
Ive got togo see those old girls and find out where we are.
Sanderson Sanderson-Smith, wasan esthete.
He lay on the bed, the drugged glass at hand on the straight chair.
Theplace had been a refuge, a healing, and ever since then a barbershop had meant
escape. Sanderson Sanderson-Smith, wasan esthete.
Sanderson-Smith was notalways pleasant when he failed to do so. Ingersoll, which
they were now forced to partwith.
Mechanically patting her bare shoulder, he bumbled, There, there,there!
Sanderson-Smith was notalways pleasant when he failed to do so. Planish saw a way of
making Vesper really earn histhirty-five a week.
Well, Sneaky is the lawyer for thecapitalists, and they need a smart one, dont they?
And his fat and pretty wife sobbed joyfully with him. Piggott and Ramona Tundra,
which isnt ironclad. Morgan blockhouse which still defends the last pioneerwhite
settlers. Planish was interested to see that, though H. If youll have the check
ready, Illsend right over for it. EzekielBittery, a former Fundamentalist preacher
who really had been afarmhand.
Mechanically patting her bare shoulder, he bumbled, There, there,there! He gravely
pushed the tea-table away, took both of Mrs.
He threw the newspaper at the signedphotograph of President T.
As he rode uptown by taxicab, he was only briefly bothered aboutVespers downfall.

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