Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

It was seldomremembered, and never brought out for contemplation. Theaccusation was
unjust; they sweated under it.
To theunrestrained power of plutocrats the little man at the Tuilerieswas
consistently hostile.
Set covers for four then tonight, chuckled Vincent.
But first I will recoupAnna, and I am going to transfer her investments to Hope and
Co. Between acomfortable certainty and a gilded possibility no reasonable manshould
ever hesitate. If Ouvrard isnt ready tohave me go yet I shall leave anyway. The
berlin started down the narrow street, its candles burningdimly.
The strains put upon itserved only to bind them tighter.
Even the peasants are beginning to come in with oneor two bonds.
Ouvrard has just jettisoned two thousand shares, yelled someone,sticking his head in
the door. Yet he looked anxious and read his newspapers Tuesday morningavidly. When
you have seen to the horses and locked the berlin inthe shed, give the key to the
Certainly it was better than stagnating, whichseemed to be the only alternative.
Those who now rang his bell were suave rather thangrotesque and madly enthusiastic.
It is a curse, monsieur, for having bought republican securities.
The only human affection whichcould flourish in such an atmosphere was friendship.
Vincent came over and joined them, shaking.
That is exactly the way I feel, said his new acquaintance.
Before youleave for London you will be in love with the old place. Their houses were
counting-houses and their greatnames illustrious by firms.
They went downstairs and saw him into the berlin which he had nowoffered to buy.
Toni, I shall never tell you, said Vincent. Toni, I shall never tell you, said
Well, I am going to take Ouvrards tip and invest in this lastissue of the government
stock. This is a matter ofinternational finance; each side will have to fool its
owngovernment. He really is her brother, monsieur, and a nice fellow. The more
off-hand they seemed to be about it the better it went. It had aportrait of
Marie-Antoinette on it.
It was evencharacteristic of belles Hélènes everywhere. Ouvrard patronized them and
brought themalong. Between acomfortable certainty and a gilded possibility no
reasonable manshould ever hesitate. Besides, you know, I left my heart with that
greatrosy-one at Strasbourg.

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