Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Im glad Ive gotthis idea so early, when Im only forty-three.
Hettie sprang up, stood with a hand on her frightened breast.
Miss Dowler, youre my secretary right now, said Elmer. Thanks, but I never touch
tobacco, he said grimly. Wait, he reflected, till I get back to Zenith and tell old
Pottsand Hickenlooper THAT!
Shetold him that he was a Napoleon of Finance.
Hettie sprang up, stood with a hand on her frightened breast. She was at the end of
the cue, and they talked withouteavesdroppers. He was happy when he met her at the
I wickedlyconcealed from him the fact that I was married to a man with acriminal
record. Tothe embarrassed astonishment of his children, he played with themevery
We must have an earnest talk, said the Reverend Dr. Well, sir, thatscertainly
something to remember!
Elmer, who is thissecretary of yours that you keep calling up all the while? Then
Elmer saw the topmost card and he was galvanized. All the way over he had planned to
be poetic in his first Londonsermon. This afternoon I bribed my way in here,and Ive
got all his letters to you. And it was definitely known that he hadrefused the
presidency of Swenson University in Nebraska.
But I mean: Oh, Ma, for Gods sake, quit pickingon me like Cleo does all the while!
He had sprung up; he was standing over her, animpressive priestly figure. He liked
theearnestness, uprightness, and vigor of the Reverend Dr.
Your letters are so dear andfunny and sweet, she told him. Im already dated up fora
good time this evening.

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