Unsolicited Writings

Friday, August 18, 2006

He had forgottensomething of desperate importance, his eternal welfare.
It was written with indelible pencil in a foreign pointedscript. If it had been that
way, there was no hope ofgetting you back.
This man, the original purpose of hisjourney, had simply dropped out of his line of
I have crossed half the world tohear about your affairs.
If its to do you any good I promiseto plant the feller back where he belongs.
Presently Lew made himtake daily exercise and in all weathers. If its to do you any
good I promiseto plant the feller back where he belongs.
Therefore Galliard had assumed a newmeaning.
But he realised miserably thatthis was no solution. To Leithens surprise he spoke of
Felicity without emotion. The breaking-point came because of his love for Felicity.
Also for my own, for I am enabled to make you anappeal.
Now he was discovering Galliard, and was bothpuzzled and attracted by him. Im
afraid, black afraid ofthis damned country.
Galliards face woke to a sudden animation.
He ponderedon the queer tricks which the mind can play. It was like coming home for
him, and yet not cominhome. The trouble came when his father discovered the change.
The picturewas so dear and home-like that he found himself continuallyreturning to
it. The elder Gaillard had something of the seigneur left in him.
There had been no doubts in the minds of Acton Croke and youngRavelston.
For it is possible to keep your birthright and live in a newworld.
I guessed that you had gone first to Clairefontaine. His breath troubled him sorely,
and hisvoice had failed, so that Lew had to come close to hear him. One evening,
when he saw whatappeared to be three Frizels in the hut, he thought his
mindwandering. To find out where you had gone, and join you, and, if possible,bring
you back.
Johnny, even the stolid Johnny, had confessed that hehad had his bad moments.
Youve discovered what was wrong with me; but youre not quiteright about the cure I
was aiming at.
He had put life away from him, and it had comeback to him in a final reconciliation.
You have been nearly a year looking for your youth. His mind had feelersout again to
its environment.
Galliard scarcely mentioned his early struggles.

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