Unsolicited Writings

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A couple of hundred toughs, crowing and jostling together, waiting tosign on. Then,
just before we ran completely out of petrol, wefound someone and down we came.
Everyonewas holding their breath, whilst the propeller slowly churned round.
Fortunately they were too far away for us to hear what THEYhad to say.
Take it round with me when Imsounding ship? At the first hail the cabby just LOOKED,
but he did not stop. She was a comic, all right, and we were a comic crowd.
My wife, by this time, was thoroughly enjoying the War.
Amongst my signalmen I had a chap who had the most extraordinarily acutehearing.
I happenedon the solution to that purely by chance.
Independent, yelled the Gunner, and away with anotherbang goes the next shell.
So I went to work and formed my classes,bluffed out a syllabus, and turned out
qualified Observers.
About this time London was getting it badly from Zepps. Iknow it nearly broke my
heart to feel her going to bits under my veryfeet, after all these years. Here take
this sextant and seewhat you get. Iknow it nearly broke my heart to feel her going
to bits under my veryfeet, after all these years. Ofcourse, we knew in what
direction the enemy lay. Another shotgets him and he dips sharply by the tail. I
wasloath to tell all I knew for fear that I should scare my bird awaybefore I could
catch her.
It is hard to believe, and the only extenuation one can offer is that itwas early in
the war.
Keep our eye onthe coast Ive given you, and the spot you mention in particular.
Having run out our aerial, I commenced to keep the Flag informed, orwas pleased to
think I did.
Then told off with their PettyOfficers for that particular job.

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