Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Behind the village with its green pastures and fields was the somberworld of the moor.
Indays long past Abe had laughed at her dramatic ways. The girls from the
officeslipped into the cloakroom.
If you dont derive profits, no royalty is due.
When the buggy was ready, Ruth alighted;and the doctor, with a brief nod, backed his
car away.
Then Slim blew arally on the saxophone, from the road.
At the stable, Ruth and the doctor remained in their seats whileAbe fetched the horse.
Nobody knows except that colleague, Mary, and you.
And she broke intoa cackling laugh, waving her hand after the buggy in the
greetingof fellowship.
At the stable, Ruth and the doctor remained in their seats whileAbe fetched the horse.
I might not have had the patience to gothrough with it.
Thechances of the patients living through an ether anaesthesia wereone in ten. The
man who had started to run was still following them, shouting.
Themusic broke off, and the dancing ceased. Only Henry Topp still wriggled in his
brothers grasp.
Slim carried his saxophone; Henry his violin.
He enjoys all the rights and privileges of others.
Niels Blichers book about his parish of Vium isdelightful.
Every nowand then a tremor ran through his body. He had resignedhimself; he would
rebuild life on a smaller scale. She is the only person in the worldwho has both the
right and the duty to tell him.
The deep, trench-like frown on his brow made him look formidable.
Her face held the same expression ofa veiled reticence which he had seen in the
doctor and Mary.
The girls from the officeslipped into the cloakroom. She is the only person in the
worldwho has both the right and the duty to tell him. But Slim who was almost as
tall as Abe heldhim back.
To the east, the bush fringe of the river closedthe horizon.
Nevertheless, the minister had come a long way from the status of hishumbler
ancestors. On the contrary, causeand effect probably worked the other way around, as
in Norway.
He had meant to do what, in his weariness, seemed fulfilment of hisdesires.
Abe sat and pondered, resenting the fact that this tale should beintruded on his mood.
A fewpassengers alighted as the buggy passed in the rear of thebuildings. I shall
have to takeoffice again, and not only here but in the municipality as well.

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