Unsolicited Writings

Sunday, August 20, 2006

All men are fools and moralcowards when you come to know them.
Might not carrying on without her include marrying me? And thats how England is
governed by yourstruly, sir. Nothing but genuine inspiration could give awoman such
cheek. But what interest has a king in flattering a subject?
I know thatI get blamed for everything that goes wrong in my department. I amsorry,
sir; but with all respect for you, I really must draw theline at that.
The other singerspretend that they have disapproved of his minstrelsy. But it is no
use your giving yourself airs,belovédest. You cannot understand how a falsehood like
thatwounds me. They do great things because they are great, if the greatthings come
along. Heaven is offering you a rose; and you cling to acabbage. And I can keep you
to thepoint, sir, whether it suits you or not. The door is near the cornerdiagonally
opposite. When he is getting at me he always begins thesentence with Singularly
The new love isoften older and uglier than the old. But they are great just the same
when the greatthings do not come along.
Proteus, with Amanda on his arm, stops in the doorway on seeingthem.
Hers is only a convention: that is why you tremble when it ischallenged.
Hers is only a convention: that is why you tremble when it ischallenged. The name on
the brass plateis Public Opinion.
Nothing thatyou can say will make any difference. I am against you on principle
because the talent formimicry isnt hereditary.
She is ather writing-table scribbling notes. Ofcourse there was a suggestion of the
I may be a jobber; but nobody shall say that I am anungenerous opponent.
And even they can talk of nothing but the servants and the baby.
Jemima would not think it right to keepup her present intimacy with me if I were
married to you.
I have to say You must ask the Prime Minister. I know thatI get blamed for
everything that goes wrong in my department. There is more of me in you than of any
other womanwithin your reach. AN INTERLUDEOrinthias boudoir at half-past fifteen on
the same day.

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