Unsolicited Writings

Monday, February 26, 2007

Ariadne Oliver arrives at the village to collaborate with Robin Upward
on a stage version of a story featuring her famous Finnish detective, Sven
Hjerson. She does not investigate the crime directly, instead serving as
a means for Christie gently to parody Poirot himself, but when she and
Robin return from an evening at the theatre, they discover that Mrs. Upward
has been strangled to death. She has evidently taken coffee with her murderer,
and the evidence of lipstick on a coffee-cup and perfume in the air points
towards one of three suspects - Eve Carpenter, Deirdre Henderson or Sheelagh
Rendell – each of whom had been invited at different times to visit her.
Only Deirdre Henderson will admit to visiting, but the house was dark when
she arrived and she went away without discovering the body. Who, however,
was the blonde seen entering the house by Edna, Mrs. Sweetiman’s assistant?


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